New Zealand
New-Zealand is a country that offers better job opportunities and living conditions for the immigrants who would like to settle there. It will benefit if an individual consults our immigration experts who are skilled in processing fast and reliable visa for New-Zealand and other countries as well. New-Zealand is a place worth settle, work or study. It gives the best living standards and a professional life to cherish. Plenty of career opportunities and standard professional life is what attracts the most to any person.The nation is a cluster of islands, comprising of two major landmasses, and numerous other smaller islands. Secluded from the rest of the world led to this nation island, to be one of the last to be settled by humans. Until discovered, New Zealand cultivated a diversified and distinctive flora and fauna. The nation is home to a large number of distinctive species of animals and birds. With an approximate population of 4.5 million, the population is an amalgamation of descendants from Europe, Asia, and Maori. Popularly referred to as ‘kiwis’, New Zealand is home to people of various cultures and religions. English is spoken predominantly in the whole of the country. New Zealand is a secular country, with a friendly and equal tolerance towards all religions, sects, nationalities, languages and origins.
What makes New Zealand an ideal Immigration Destination
- New Zealand is one of the most cleaned and beautiful countries in the world
- New Zealand Ranks 7th in the world on the human development index.
- Ranks 3rd in the world for being most safe and peaceful country
- New Zealand has enormous number of industries that are facing shortage of skilled employees resulting into extensive opportunities to overseas skilled professionals to work in the country.
- Government support and encourage the skilled migrants to the country.
- Relatively simple and trouble free Immigration Procedure to facilitate the immigration of skilled migrants from all parts of the world.
- New Zealand has got one of the best Education systems in the world in place with safe and encouraging learning environment.
New Zealand Skilled Visa
The Skilled Migrant Category is for you if you are looking to move permanently to New Zealand. This category is used by the New Zealand Government to fill skill shortages throughout the country.
To be eligible to apply for residence under SMC you need to be 55 years of age or under at the time you apply, be healthy, of good character and speak English.
The SMC is a points based system. The first step towards making an application, if you qualify, is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI), in which you claim points for your skills and experience. New Zealand Immigration will examine your application and invite you to apply (ITA) if you meet the necessary criteria. You make the application using information you provided in your EOI with additional evidence, such as police certificates, proof of English language ability and documents that validate your skills.
New Zealand Immigration will use this information to assess the relevance of your skills and experience and your ability to settle in New Zealand.
It’s important to note that in some instances, New Zealand Immigration will want to see how you settle before granting a permanent visa. In these instances, they will give you a job search visa, which you can use to help obtain an offer of skilled employment in New Zealand for up to nine months. If you obtain skilled employment in this time you will have shown your ability to settle and contribute, and your residence application will be approved.New Zealand is currently experiencing a huge shortage of skilled workers in a number of industries so now is the perfect time to apply.You no longer need to have a job offer or sponsorship to be eligible for a New Zealand Skilled Migration Visa, but if you do have a job from a New Zealand employer, you will get additional points to your visa application.To be eligible for this New Zealand Work Visa you will need score at least 100 points in the skills test. Visit Am I Eligible for more information. The basic requirements are:
- You must be under 56 years old.
- You must meet the character and health requirements.
- Your occupation must be on the skills list.
- You must be fully qualified in your occupation.
- You must have at least 3 years experience relevant to your qualification.
- You must be fluent in English.
How many points do I need?
The Expression of Interest determines the points one claims to be a skilled migrant, and 100 points will get your EOI into the pool, but the more points you have, the more likely you are to be selected. There are bonus points also in some cases as if you work in an identified future growth area or in absolute skills shortage you get 10 points for that.
- There are 10 points if you work in a region outside Auckland, and 20 points more if your partner has a skilled job or job offer.
- If you have 140 points or over your EOI will be selected automatically for an ITA.
- If you have 100-135 points you are able to submit an EOI but it may not be selected.
- you are more likely to be successful if you have- a job or job offer for skilled employment , or
- Claimed bonus points for work experience in an area of absolute skill shortage.
Where to apply for the Immigration?
For free assessment to New Zealand Immigration, Maple Fly is one of the best online consultants. Walk with us to one of the most prosperous foundations for flourishing in this world and be a permanent resident there with different visa options as a start up! At Maple fly we support and guide through the complete pathway of visa process and bring about the entire documentation procedure easy and less time consuming. As we care for the value of your time and money!